how to cleanse tarot cards

How to cleanse tarot cards

Cleaning your tarot cards is a necessary part of taking care of them and ensuring that they give you accurate readings. Here are 8 simple ways to cleanse your tarot cards in no time!
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Cleaning your tarot cards is a necessary part of taking care of them and ensuring that they give you accurate readings. Not only will this keep your cards in good condition, but it will also help you to create a positive energy flow when working with them. Here are four simple steps that will help you to cleanse your tarot cards in no time!

Why to cleanse your tarot deck

If you're new to tarot card readings, or even if you're an experienced reader, it's important to cleanse your cards regularly. Cleansing your tarot deck is an important part of caring for your cards. By cleansing your deck regularly, you will help to maintain its quality and extend its lifespan.

If you've just purchased your tarot deck, you probably want to make sure it's free of any negative energy. Or, maybe you've been using it for a while, and you feel like it's time for a fresh start.

When to cleanse your deck

1. When you get a new tarot deck

When you first get your tarot cards, it's important to cleanse them before using them. This will help to clear away any unwanted energies that may be attached to the cards.

2. When the connection feels off

If you ever feel like your tarot cards are giving you off or inaccurate readings, it might be time to cleanse them. This can help refresh the connection between you and your cards, and ensure that you're getting the most accurate readings possible.

3. When someone else used your tarot card

It's important to cleanse your tarot cards after someone else has used them. This ensures that the energies of the other person don't linger on the cards and influence your readings.

4. After each reading

It's important to cleanse your tarot cards after each reading, to ensure that they remain accurate and effective.

How to cleanse tarot deck

Whatever the reason, cleansing your tarot deck is a good way to ensure that it will provide accurate readings. Make sure to cleanse your tarot cards with intention and visualization. See the bad energy being removed from your cards and replaced with positive, healing energy.

There are a few different ways to cleanse your deck, so find the one that works best for you. Here are 10 ways to cleanse your tarot cards:

How to cleanse tarot card with salt

Salt is a natural purifier and can be used to cleanse your tarot cards. Simply sprinkle some salt on your deck and then shuffle the cards.

When cleansing your tarot deck with salt, it is important to use pure, natural salt. Table salt or other iodized salts can contain chemicals that can damage your cards. Himalayan pink salt or sea salt are both good choices for cleansing tarot cards.

How to cleanse tarot card with sage

Sage is one of the best herbs for cleansing, and it can be used in a variety of ways.

One of the simplest ways to cleanse your tarot cards is to simply waft some sage smoke over them. You can do this by lighting a sage stick and holding it close to the cards, letting the smoke drift over them. As the smoke clears, visualize any negativity or energy being drawn out of the cards and dissipating into the air.

Another option is to create a sage-infused water spray. Simply add some sage leaves (dried or fresh) to a spray bottle filled with water. Shake it well and then mist your tarot cards lightly with the sage water. Let them air dry or wipe them down with a soft cloth.

If you're looking for a more intensive cleansing method, you can bury your tarot cards in a bowl of dried sage leaves overnight. In the morning, simply brush off the sage leaves and your cards will be cleansed and ready to use.

How to cleanse tarot card with incense

Using incense to cleanse your tarot card deck is a great way to purify the cards and remove any negative energy that may be attached to them. It's also a good way to prepare the cards for a reading, as the smoke from the incense can help to open up your psychic senses.

To cleanse your tarot cards with incense, you will need:

  • A stick of incense
  • A heatproof bowl or dish
  • Your tarot card deck

First, light the stick of incense and place it in the bowl or dish. Then, hold your tarot card deck in your hands and waft the smoke from the incense over it. As you do this, visualize the smoke cleansing the cards of any negativity.

How to cleanse tarot card with palo santo

Palo Santo is a good way to remove any residual energy that may be attached to the cards, and will also help to keep them feeling fresh and new.

To cleanse your tarot cards with Palo Santo, simply light a piece of the wood on fire and then blow it out so that it is smoldering. Hold your tarot deck in your hands and waft the smoke from the Palo Santo over the top of the cards. You can also pass each individual card through the smoke if you'd like.

How to cleanse tarot card with selenite

One way to cleanse your tarot cards is to use crystals. Simply place your crystals around your tarot deck and allow them to absorb any negative energy. Some good crystals for this purpose include amethyst, black tourmaline, and selenite.

One of the best crystal to cleanse your tarot cards is with selenite. Selenite is a powerful crystal that can help to purify and cleanse both your tarot cards and your own energy.

To cleanse your tarot cards with selenite, simply place the selenite crystal on top of your deck and allow it to sit for a few minutes. You can then shuffle and deal your cards as normal.

How to cleanse tarot card with sunlight

Sunlight is one of the most powerful cleansing agents available to us. When used properly, it can effectively cleanse and purify just about anything. Tarot cards are no exception.

Here's how to cleanse your tarot deck with sunlight:

1. First, choose a sunny day for your cleansing ritual. The sun's rays will be at their strongest and most effective during this time.

2. Spread out your tarot deck on a flat surface in direct sunlight. Allow the sun's rays to fall directly on the cards for at least 15 minutes.

3. After 15 minutes, gather your tarot deck and put it away in a safe place.

That's all there is to it! Sunlight is a natural purifier and will help to keep your tarot deck in peak condition.

How to cleanse tarot card by moonlight

To do this, simply take your tarot deck outside on a clear night and leave it in the moonlight for a few hours. The moon's energy will help to cleanse and purify your cards.

After you've cleansed your tarot cards, they'll be ready for you to start using them for readings!

How to cleanse tarot card with sound

You can also cleanse your tarot cards by using sound. Simply play some calming music near your cards and allow the positive vibrations to cleanse them. This is a particularly effective method if you're using your cards for readings, as it can help to promote a more positive and productive reading.

Whichever method you choose, cleansing your tarot deck is a good way to make sure it's ready for use. Do this whenever you feel like the deck needs a fresh start, or before you give readings to others.

How to charge tarot cards

You can charge your tarot deck by meditating, singing or chanting over them, or even burning sage around them. Here are a few ways that you can charge your tarot deck to make sure they work their best for you:

Full moon light

There are many ways to charge tarot cards. One popular method is to place the cards under a full moon.


Another way to charge tarot cards is by using visualization. Simply visualize white light or energy charging the cards. You can also say a mantra or affirmation while visualizing the energy charging the cards.


Meditate over your tarot cards. Sit quietly and clear your mind of all distractions. Focus on the energy in and around your tarot deck, visualizing it as a vibrant light or color. Allow this energy to flow through you and into the cards, infusing them with powerful intuition and spiritual guidance.


Sing or chant over your tarot cards. Chanting works well if you have a specific question in mind, as it focuses your energy and intention on finding the answer. Simply choose a chant or mantra that resonates with you, and repeat it to yourself while focusing on your tarot cards.


Finally, you can use crystals to charge tarot cards. Simply place the crystals near the cards or on top of them while you focus your intention on charging them. Popular crystals for this purpose include quartz, amethyst, and citrine.

Charging your tarot cards is an important part of using them. By taking the time to charge them regularly, you'll ensure that they're always ready to provide accurate readings.

Overall, it is important to cleanse your tarot cards regularly in order to get the most accurate readings. There are many different ways that you can go about cleansing your cards, experiment and find what works best for you. Remember to be respectful of your cards, as they are tools that can help you unlock the mysteries of the universe. With regular care, your tarot cards will provide you with years of divination and insights.

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