how to make a protection spell

How to make a protection spell

There are many ways to create protection spells, and the specific ingredients and steps will vary depending on your needs and preferences. However, there are some basic guidelines that you can follow to create a spell that will work for you.
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There are many ways to create protection spells, and the specific ingredients and steps will vary depending on your needs and preferences. However, there are some basic guidelines that you can follow to create a spell that will work for you.

How to do a simple protection spell

If you're looking for some simple protection spells to keep yourself and your loved ones safe, you've come to the right place. Below are five easy spells that anyone can do, no matter what their level of experience with magic. But first, let's see the basics of wiccan protection spells.

1. Define your need

First, decide what kind of protection you need. Do you want to protect yourself from harm? From negative energy? From hexes or curses? Once you know what you need protection from, you can choose the appropriate ingredients for your spell.

2. Choose your accessories

Next, choose how you will cast your spell. Will you be using candles? Herbs? Stones? Again, the specific ingredients will vary depending on your needs. Once you have chosen your ingredients, it's time to start putting your spell together.

3. Elevate your spirituality

Protection spells usually involve some combination of visualization and chanting or reciting a spell. To visualize, close your eyes and picture yourself surrounded by white light. This light is protective and will keep you safe from harm. As you chant or recite your spell, imagine this light growing stronger and brighter until it surrounds you completely.

4. Tell the universe your intention

Finally, release your spell into the universe. Send out your intention to the universe, and trust that it will work for you. Remember, protection spells are meant to be positive and helpful; if you focus on negative energy, you may attract more of it into your life. So release your spell with love and care, and know that you are protected.

Protection spells for beginners

Now let's get down to business! Here is a list of easy protection spells.

There are a number of wiccan protection spells that can be used to keep yourself and your loved ones safe from harm. Some of these spells are designed to create an invisible shield around you, while others are meant to deflect negative energy away from you.

Protection Amulet

This amulet can be worn or carried with you to provide protection from negative energy and harm. You can also use it to charge other objects with protective energy (simply hold the object in your non-dominant hand while holding the amulet in your dominant hand and visualize the energy transferring).

To make this amulet, you will need:

  • 1 piece of black tourmaline
  • 1 piece of hematite
  • 1 piece of obsidian
  • A black cord or chain


1. Begin by cleansing all the stones with sage smoke or Palo Santo.

2. Hold the stones in your non-dominant hand and visualize them absorbing all the negativity in your life.

3. When you feel ready, tie the stones together with the cord or chain and wear them as a necklace or bracelet. Alternatively, you can carry them in your pocket or purse.

We also have amazing ready to use protection amulets!

Binding Spell

This spell is used to bind negative energy away from you so that it cannot cause harm.

To perform this spell, you will need:

  • 1 black candle
  • A piece of black cloth
  • Some graveyard dirt

1. Begin by lighting the black candle and placing it in front of you.

2. Place the piece of black cloth over the top of the candle, and then sprinkle the graveyard dirt over the cloth.

3. Focus your intention on binding the negative energy away from you. As you do this, visualize the dirt absorbing all the negative energy. Allow the candle to burn down completely and then bury the remnants in the earth.

Salt Barrier Spell

One of the simplest and most effective protection spells is the salt barrier spell. This spell will create an invisible barrier around you that will repel negative energy and protect you from harm.

To cast this spell, you will need:

  • 1 cup of salt
  • A bowl or cauldron
  • Water


1. Begin by adding the salt to the bowl or cauldron. Add enough water to just cover the salt.

2. Stir the mixture clockwise three times while visualizing a white light surrounding you and your loved ones.

3. Pour the mixture in a circle around yourself, making sure to completely encircle yourself with the salt water.

4. Take a few deep breaths and imagine the barrier solidifying around you, creating a shield of protection.

5. Leave the salt water in place for 24 hours, then dispose of it in running water.

Shielding Spell

One of the most popular wiccan protection spells is the Shielding Spell. This spell is designed to create an invisible shield around you that will protect you from negative energy and harmful influences.

To cast this spell, you will need:


1. Begin by lighting the candle and holding the tourmaline in your left hand. Focus your intention on creating a protective barrier around yourself. As you do this, visualize the tourmaline absorbing all the negative energy around you.

2. Next, take the quartz crystals and place them around the base of the candle. As you do this, envision the quartz amplifying the protective power of the shield. Allow the candle to burn down completely and then bury the remnants in the earth.

Protection Potion

This potion can be used to create a protective barrier around your home or office, or it can be ingested (in small amounts!) to help keep you safe when you're out and about.

To make this potion, you will need:

  • 1 cup of water
  • 1 tbsp. of salt
  • 1 tsp. of sage leaves (dried or fresh)
  • A pot or cauldron


1. Begin by adding the water, salt, and sage leaves to the pot or cauldron. Stir the mixture clockwise three times while visualizing a white light surrounding your space.

2. Boil the mixture for 3-5 minutes, then remove from heat.

3. Allow the potion to cool completely, then use it to cleanse your home or office (sprinkle it around the perimeter of the space) or drink a small amount before heading out into the world.

Cleansing Spell

This spell is designed to cleanse your energy and protect you from negative influences. It's perfect for use before bedtime or whenever you feel like you need a psychic reset button.

To cast this spell, you will need:

  • A white candle
  • Sage or Palo Santo


1. Begin by lighting the candle and allowing yourself to relax and focus your attention on the flame.

2. Take a few deep breaths and imagine all the negativity in your life being absorbed by the candle flame.

3. When you feel ready, use the sage or Palo Santo to smudge yourself, starting at your head and working your way down to your feet. As you do this, visualize all the negative energy being removed from your body and replaced with positive, protective energy.

4. Allow the candle to burn out on its own and go to bed knowing that you are surrounded by white light and love.

Elemental Protection Spell

This spell should be used whenever you're feeling particularly vulnerable or when you know you'll be facing challenging situations. It will call on the elements to surround and protect you.

To cast this spell, you will need:

  • 4 candles (one for each element - earth, air, fire, water)
  • Matches or a lighter


1. Begin by lighting the candles and placing them in the appropriate positions around you (earth - south, air - east, fire - north, water - west). If you can't position the candles exactly as described, don't worry - just do the best you can.

2. Take a few deep breaths and imagine each of the elements surrounding you and shielding you from harm.

3. Visualize the energy of the elements infusing your body and filling you with strength and courage.

4. When you're ready, blow out the candles and thank the elements for their protection.

These are just a few of the many wiccan protection spells that you can use to keep yourself safe from harm. Experiment with different spells and see which ones work best for you. Remember, the most important thing is to focus your intention and visualization on creating a positive outcome. And remember, stay away from black magic, always use your magic for good!

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