Much has been said about Wicca over the years. Some call it a religion, others a way of life. But what is Wicca really? What do you need to know to get started if this is something that interests you? This post will explore some of the basics of Wicca, and answer some common questions people have about it.
Wicca definition
What is Wicca
Wicca is a modern religion that draws its beliefs and practices from ancient spiritual traditions. In particular, it derives many of its principles from the pagan religions of Europe, as well as from the practices of witchcraft.
Although there are many different interpretations and schools of thought within the Wiccan religion, most Wiccans believe in the principles of non-violence and non-compulsion. They also believe that all living things have inherent worth and should be treated with respect and kindness.
There are many aspects of Wicca that make it unique among other spiritual traditions. Some of the key beliefs that set it apart include its focus on natural cycles, the worship of a female goddess along with a male god, and reverence for a wide range of deities from various mythologies around the world.
In addition to these core beliefs, there are several foundational practices that are common to most Wiccan groups. These include celebrating eight major holidays known as Sabbats (also called the Wheel or Cycle of Life) as well as practicing magic, which is commonly referred to as "the Craft."
Although Wicca has been around for many centuries, it did not gain mainstream recognition until the 20th century. In that time, more and more people have embraced this spiritual path as a way of connecting with nature and celebrating life in all its forms. While there are some who still hold negative opinions about Wiccans and their practices, it's important to remember that Wicca is a peaceful religion based on love and compassion for all living things.
What is a Wiccan
A Wiccan is someone who follows the religion of Wicca, which is based on ancient pagan traditions and beliefs. This religion focuses on nature, the worship of the Earth, and the sanctity of all forms of life. There are many different types of Wiccans that have their own unique practices and rituals, but they all share a common belief in the importance of nature.
Wiccans practice magic and celebrate the seasons through special ceremonies and rituals that honor their connection to the natural world. Some Wiccan rituals involve dancing around bonfires, chanting spells or religious prayers, using candles and incense, meditating, or performing what are called “spells” on others. These spells can be used for healing purposes or to help focus energies for positive outcomes in various areas of life such as relationships, career success, financial abundance, health, love and many more.
Overall, the Wiccan religion is about connecting with the earth and the natural world around us and showing respect for all forms of life. Whether you are a practicing Wiccan or just someone interested in learning more about this fascinating spiritual tradition, it’s important to remember that every person’s path is unique in its own way and that there is no right or wrong way to be a Wiccan.
Wicca history
Wicca origins
Wicca is a neo-pagan religion. It was established in 1921 by Gerald Gardner, an English civil servant, who rediscovered and popularized occult witchcraft traditions which were known to exist but had been largely suppressed by Christian authorities for centuries. Wicca draws on fertility rites as well as various forms of magick/magic for healing, prosperity and other purposes. A central theme of Wicca is the worship of nature.
Since then, it has grown into one of the most popular branches of Neopaganism with hundreds of thousands of followers around the world. Many people who practice Wicca use it as a spiritual complement to other religions or belief systems such as Christianity, Buddhism, Judaism, or Hinduism. Others choose to follow Wiccan principles and beliefs exclusively.
Modern Wicca (Modern Witch)
Wicca has experienced rapid growth in recent years, with more and more people from all over the world choosing to practice it. Today, there are many different branches of Wicca, with each branch following slightly different beliefs and practices. However, most modern Wiccans share a similar philosophy and worldview, which is why they are often referred to collectively as "modern Wiccans", or "Modern Witches".
In general, today's witches can be defined in three ways: a person who actively practices magical rites or spells, a person who has a spiritual connection such as a psychic medium or tarot card reader, or a person who worships the pagan gods.
The reality of what it means to be a witch today carries many traditions of pagan religion. Far from the clichés of satanic rituals and other black magic of the occult, modern witchcraft is primarily a path of spirituality.
Modern witchcraft involves simple actions to reconnect with the hidden energies around us such as: meditation with candles, yoga, burning incense, fumigation, the use of the power of crystals, dream analysis and other white magic rituals. It is more generally referred to as accommodation of the esoteric universe.
Witchcraft is simply using the power of the universe and the spirit. It is about being in tune with the natural resources of the Earth and using them to mystically quench a spiritual thirst. The name Wicca comes from the Anglicism "wicce", which means "to bend" or "to shape nature".
The followers of modern Wicca are mainly women and girls because of the importance given to feminine power and the cult of the goddess. This movement gathers today thousands of practitioners, the "Modern Witch" as they are called, advocate spiritual well-being and understanding of the world around them. It is above all a community that has adopted a way of life where inner peace and the feminine spiritual are the key words.
Wiccan beliefs
Wiccan theology
Wicca is a nature-based religion that worships the Earth and all of its bounty, as well as an array of deities. These deities are often seen as representations of natural phenomena, such as the sun or moon.
In traditional Wiccan theology, each member has a duty to honor these deities with rituals and offerings, especially on the eight Sabbats or holy days throughout the year. For example, during the full moon, many Wiccans gather for group rituals that honor the Earth and goddess energy.
In addition to honoring these deities, Wiccans also take oaths of personal responsibility to protect nature and live in accordance with its laws. The overarching goal of their faith is to foster a bond between humans and nature, which they believe will help us all live more harmoniously together. While many Wiccans practice their religion as solitary practitioners, there are also various covens and online communities that allow them to share in common experiences and beliefs with others who share similar values.
Wicca is unique among religions because it doesn't require its followers to renounce other faiths or beliefs. In fact, there are many Wiccans who also practice Christianity, Judaism, and even Buddhism alongside their primary religion of Wicca. This suggests that the philosophy of tolerance and respect for diverse beliefs is one of the defining characteristics of this religion.
There are many modern interpretations of Wiccan theology, but it all centers on the idea that humans should see themselves as part of nature rather than separate from it. Many modern-day practitioners believe that originally, ancient humans believed in such an interconnected worldview before they became disconnected from nature through technological advancement and religious dogma. Thus, in order to heal our planet today, we need to return to these roots by reconnecting with nature through rituals and reconnecting with the divine feminine energy of the goddess.
Often compared with Druidism and Shamanism, Wicca is, above all, a way for people to reconnect with nature spiritually in an ethical and meaningful way.
Witchcraft is the practice of magic and divination that involves the use of spells, rituals, and charms to influence or predict events.
Although many people associate witchcraft with negative things like black magic and evil curses, historically witchcraft was a normal part of everyday life in many parts of the world. Witchcraft has been practiced by women, men, and children for centuries.
Modern witches are often associated with Modern witchcraft, which is also sometimes considered to be a form of feminist spirituality or environmental activism. Today, witchcraft is still practiced in many parts of the world, although it tends to be more secretive and less public than in the past.
Wiccan beliefs of afterlife
Wiccans believe that after death, the soul moves on to another plane of existence. This may be a place or state similar to our own, or it may be totally different. Wiccans differ widely in their views about what happens to the soul after death, depending on which tradition they belong to and their own personal beliefs. Most Wiccans believe that a soul continues to learn and evolve after it leaves the body.
Generally speaking, Wiccans don't focus on beliefs about what happens after death. Instead, they tend to focus on life in the present moment, and living their spirituality as fully as possible. They do believe, however, that there is a spiritual realm of existence beyond our earthly plane; this belief forms the foundation of their practice of magic and witchcraft. Through rituals and spells performed while in an altered state of consciousness (such as trance work), Wiccans seek to connect with this higher spiritual energy and power.
There are many different ideas about what happens after death among different traditions in contemporary witchcraft or modern-day Wicca. Here are a few of the most common ones:
- Some Wiccan traditions believe that death is a transition into another state of existence much like the one we are already living in, but on a different plane. Souls pass through this other state until they have learned all they need to learn and can move beyond it. This process may take multiple lifetimes before the soul reaches its final destination.
- Other Wiccans believe that souls exist somewhere between life and death and go through two or three stages of being connected to the earthly realm before passing on to their final destination. The first stage involves being near people who were important in the person's life, but not quite ready to let go yet; this may take several days or even weeks after physical death has occurred. After this period, the soul moves on to the second stage, and is closer to freedom from earthly attachments. Some Wiccans believe that this may take a few years; others think it could be many decades or centuries before the soul finally reaches its final destination.
- Some Wiccans and other earth-based spiritual traditions believe that death occurs at different times for different people. This belief stems from the idea that no two souls are exactly alike. There may be some souls who are ready for death when they physically pass away, while others who have more lessons to learn stay connected to the earthly realm until they're ready to move on. Still other souls may linger in their bodies because they aren't ready let go of the relationships they've built during their lifetime and they don't want to be separated from the people they love.
As you can see, Wiccans and other witches vary widely in their beliefs about what happens after death. While there's no way to know for sure what transpires on the spiritual plane until we make that journey ourselves, it is safe to say that most of us hold a belief or belief system about life after death. Try asking some of your Wiccan friends and family members about their ideas on this topic; you may find yourself intrigued by the diversity of beliefs you encounter!
Wiccan magic
The magic of Wicca is rooted in ancient practices and today it’s most well-known for its modern stylings of witchcraft. There are many different styles of Wiccan magic, but they all tend to involve the use of natural elements like fire, water, earth, and air.
Forget the wand and other demonic incantation, Wiccan magic usually involves the use of ritual tools and ingredients such as crystals and herbs, as well as written affirmations placed on an altar, to manifest the desired result. For example, a witch or sorcerer may write her intentions in her book of shadows to find healing, wealth, love or any other desire.
Magic is a much older tradition than Wicca itself, and is certainly not exclusive to Wicca. The term occult practices or occultism is also often used.
First of all, magic is often incorporated into the rituals of Sabbaths and Esbats, and many Wiccans also practice magic at New Moon, Winter Solstice (Yule) or Equinox.
The main and most important aspect of magic is to follow the commandments of Wicca written in the Wiccan Rede. It states that all magic must be done for positive purposes only, so as not to cause harm to others, whether deliberately or not. Wiccans take these rules very seriously, as it serves the ideal of living in harmonious balance with the environment around us.
Wiccan morality
The Wiccan Rede and three-fold law, though not exclusive to Wicca, both gained popularity and acceptance due to their inclusion in a 1949 book by Doreen Valiente entitled Witchcraft for Tomorrow. The Rede, similar to the Golden Rule in Judeo-Christian tradition, states "An it harm none, do as thou wilt" or "Do what you will, as long as it harms none" and is often used to express the core of Wiccan morality.
The three-fold law states that actions have consequences and that "what you do comes back to you three times over," or alternatively, "with every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." While this may not be a universal axiom, the concept has been invoked in many contexts in Wicca since its inception by Gerald Gardner.
In addition to being a moral code for individuals, particularly practitioners who work alone or hold solitary practices (rather than within a coven), these principles also serve as guidelines for practicing Wiccans. The Rede can be seen as describing some general concepts necessary for adherence to any ethical code (i.e., harm none) and the three-fold law can be seen as a statement that actions have consequences, which may include but are not limited to the intended good or ill of those actions.
The Rede and three-fold law have become foundational tenants of Wiccan morality in many spiritual communities, serving as both guideposts for individual action and invocations of responsibility."
Wiccan five elements
The Wiccan five elements are a central concept in Wicca, representing the major forces of energy and matter that make up our universe. In Wicca, the five elements are traditionally symbolized by air, fire, water, earth, and spirit or ether. While these elements correspond to different forms of matter (air is associated with the concept of wind, fire with that of flames or heat, water with precipitation, earth with various kinds of rocks and soil, and spirit/ether is intangible), Wicca also recognizes their underlying spiritual energy (or "essence") as equally important.
Wiccans believe that the number five symbolizes perfect balance and harmony. The inclusion of spirit/ether at the top of the Wiccan elements hierarchy also serves as a reminder that humans are spiritual beings first and foremost, not just physical beings who live on earth. In a sense, spirit/ether represents our "higher selves" or deeper connection to something greater than ourselves
Each Wiccan element is associated with its own set of colors, directions or cardinal points (north, south, east, west and center), senses (smell, touch, taste, sight and hearing), animals or creatures (e.g., birds for air/wind; snakes for earth; fish for water; bears for spirit/ether), plants or herbs (mint for air/wind; grasses for earth; ivy for water; oak trees and acorns for fire), stones or crystals (ambergris and onyx are used in air magick rituals while quartz crystals are used to represent all elements) and gods or goddesses. The five major Wiccan elements also follow a specific order: first comes spirit/ether, which is the most important and guides the rest. Below that are air, fire and water, with earth at the bottom of the Wiccan elements hierarchy.
Many different tools or objects can be used to symbolize the five major Wiccan elements. These include: a wooden bowl filled with incense for spirit/ether; a bell or chime for air; an athame (a double-edged ceremonial knife) for fire; a cup full of water for water; and a pentacle (a disk with a pentagram in its center) for earth. A witch can also use other items such as candles, stones, crystals, herbs, feathers and more to represent one specific element.
Wiccan symbols
The practice of Wicca often makes use of symbols and other sigils of power to enhance the power of their spells and other invocations. Here are the most commonly used:
- Pentagram: This word comes from the Greek and means "five-pointed star". Although the pentagram has been a symbol in many religions for thousands of years, as seen previously, in Wicca each of the five points represents the five elements: earth, air, fire, water, spirit.

- Pentacle: A pentacle is basically a pentagram surrounded by a circle and has the same meaning as a pentagram. For some Wiccans, the circle represents white magic, which is considered safe.

- Sigil: This is a Latin word meaning "a sign, mark or seal. These are not formal symbols defined, but rather personally created symbols that are supposed to aid in magical spells. Signs are designed in different ways (letters, numbers and/or images). Once the symbol is imprinted, the sorcerer will focus intense feeling on it by staring at it, and then destroy it to unleash its power.
- Triple Goddess: This symbol is the side-by-side alignment of a waxing, full and waning moon. It represents three aspects and powers of the goddess, as well as of women in general: the young girl, the mother and the old woman.