Whether you're a witch or not, covens are definitely intriguing. What could be more fun than gathering together with a group of like-minded women to work spells and chat about all things spooky? If you're curious about joining or starting a coven, read on this blog post!
What is a coven
A coven is a group of people who come together in order to practice witchcraft, usually according to the Wiccan tradition, but not necessarily. They meet either formally or informally and are often led by someone called a High Priestess or sometimes High Priest, who sets out the structure for how their coven will operate, and who is also responsible for helping the people in the coven to further their spiritual education and development.

Coven history
The origins of covens can be traced back to ancient pagan societies, where groups of witches would gather together to practice their craft and share knowledge. These covens were often made up of friends or family members, and meetings would be held in confidence, as witchcraft became demonized during the Witch Hunts of the Middle Ages, covens often had to meet in secret in order to avoid persecution.
However, as society became more accepting of the practice, covens began to expand and welcome new members from diverse backgrounds. Today, covens can range in size from a handful of individuals to large, organized groups with structured leadership and specific belief systems. No matter the size or beliefs, all covens prioritize community and support for their members as they continue to practice and study the craft together.
How many witches are in a coven
Covens vary greatly in terms of size, from just a handful of people to dozens or even hundreds of members. The majority will be made up of women, with a smaller number of men, but some will be all-female or all-male. There are also covens which do not have any gender rules, and welcome anyone who wishes to join them regardless of their sex.
Some non-Wiccan practitioners may use different numbers for their covens, or may not use the term "coven" at all. The ultimate goal of any witch, coven or solitary, is to cultivate a harmonious and balanced spiritual practice.
Roles in a coven
In traditional Wiccan and Pagan belief systems, a coven typically has a hierarchical structure with three main roles:
- The High Priest or High Priestess: Who serves as the leader of the coven
- The Elder(s), experienced practitioners: Who assist the leader and serve as mentors to newer members.
- The regular members or Initiates.
These roles may vary slightly in different traditions or covens, but the core hierarchy is typically maintained.
Additionally, some covens may also have other roles such as a Priest or Priestess, who assists the High Priest/ess with rituals and ceremonies; a Witch or Mage, who serves as a teacher or expert practitioner in specific areas; and a Keeper of the Grimoire, who is responsible for keeping records and documentation. Other roles within the coven could include a shaman, healer, teacher, or custodian of ritual items.
It is important to note that in covens, all members are equal regardless of their role or title, and the hierarchical structure exists primarily for practical purposes during rituals and meetings. Each member may also have their own individual specialties and talents that contribute to the coven as a whole. It is important for all members to work together and support each other in order to create a strong, balanced coven dynamic.
Additionally, some covens also have an initiation process in which new members are welcomed into the group after demonstrating their dedication and commitment.

Online covens
Covens are often local groups, meeting in someone's home or a rented space where they can meet without being interrupted by outsiders. They may have specific rules about confidentiality and must be careful not to reveal their identities outside the coven.
With the rise of the internet, there is a merge of online covens, using the internet as a way of building connections with members and organizing to meet up in person when they can.
Online covens have become increasingly popular in recent years, with members often connecting through social media or dedicated websites. These virtual communities allow for a diverse range of individuals to come together and practice witchcraft, regardless of their physical location.
However, some practitioners express skepticism towards online covens, questioning the depth of connection and level of commitment within these virtual spaces. Traditional covens often require in-person meetings and a strong bond between members, which can be difficult to achieve through online communication alone.
Ultimately, it is up to each individual to determine what type of coven, online or in-person, best suits their personal beliefs and practices. Whether connecting with a physical community or an online one, the most important aspect is finding a group that supports and nurtures your spiritual growth.
What to expect from a Witch Coven
If you want to know more about witches covens you can check this honest review from Thorn Mooney. In this video, Thorn addresses what one can expect when joining a coven, noting the diverse uses of the term 'coven'. He discusses the difference between being a solitary witch and a coven member, suggesting that these aren't strict categories, as many witches practice both individually and in groups. Thorn further explores types of covens, from those focused on formal training to more social, community-oriented groups. He advises potential coven members to consider what they seek from the experience, whether it be community or formal training.
Thorn stresses the importance of understanding the structure of the coven, whether it's hierarchical or egalitarian, and the expectations around secrecy, participation, and contributions.
How to create a Witch Coven
Creating a witch coven involves a blend of practical steps and cultural considerations to foster a supportive and magical community. If you are looking for creating your own Modern Witch community, here’s how to go about it:
Define Your Coven's Purpose and Tradition: Determine what type of witchcraft your coven will practice. This could range from Wiccan covens, which follow structured rituals, to more eclectic groups that draw on various traditions. Decide what the main focus of your coven will be, whether it's spellwork, seasonal rituals, divination, or something else.
Establish Ground Rules and Ethics: Create a set of guidelines that cover how the coven will operate, how decisions will be made, and what ethical stance the group will take on issues within and outside the magical practice. It’s crucial to have clear policies on confidentiality, respect, and participation.
Find Members: Look for individuals who share your interest in witchcraft and your vision for the coven. You can find members by attending local pagan or spiritual gatherings, joining online forums, or through word of mouth in spiritual shops. Ensure that potential members are a good fit for the group’s energy and goals.
Organize a Meeting Space: Decide where the coven will meet. This could be in a member’s home, a rented space, or outdoors in nature, depending on your practices and needs. The space should be somewhere where members feel safe and comfortable to practice rituals.
Develop Rituals and Practices: Create rituals that align with your coven's traditions and goals. This might include crafting your own rituals or adapting from existing traditions. Regular meetings might include celebrations of Sabbats and Esbats, spellwork, workshops, or meditative practices.
Education and Development: Encourage ongoing learning and development within your coven. This can include sharing books, hosting workshops, inviting guest speakers, or attending retreats together. A coven that grows together stays together.
Communication: Maintain open lines of communication among members. Whether it’s through regular meetings, social media groups, or newsletters, make sure everyone stays informed and connected.
Celebrate and Evolve: As your coven grows, celebrate your successes and continuously adapt to meet the changing needs of its members. The dynamics of a coven can change as it evolves, so be open to making adjustments to rituals, guidelines, or even the coven’s focus as needed.
Starting a witch coven is a rewarding endeavor that can lead to deep spiritual connections and personal growth. It's about building a community that supports each other's magical and spiritual journey. As we discussed previously, you can also build an online Witch coven, to connect with other Modern Witches.
To conclude...
Now that you know everything about coven, if you're feeling inspired to start your own, or join one, then by all means go for it. But remember, a coven is only as good as its members, so choose wisely! And most importantly, have fun! Whether you're working solo or with a group of like-minded individuals, the key to successful witchcraft is enjoying yourself and staying true to your beliefs.